Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Paperless Classroom Orientation Unit Assessment 2012

Here is a link to my project.

Angel M.
Sept. 25, 2012
Period 2

Angel's Paperless Classroom Orientation Unit Assessment 2012

How can Gmail help you to communicate with your teacher and peers?

It can help by asking for help when I need it or if I have a question about something.

Google Docs
How can Google Docs help you to complete your assignments?
I can complete t-charts and vocab cards on Google Docs. I can also create projects on Google Docs. I can also share assignments with other students and Ms. Priester, too.

How can Edmodo help you to maintain a high grade?

Edmodo helps me maintain a high grade because it tells me if I have any missing assignments. It also tells me when an assignment gets graded. Blogger
How can Blogger help you to share your work?
I can post my work on Blogger and save it so when if m y teacher needs to reread something she can check it.

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